Friday, February 10, 2006

Reasoning behind a Superstition

A few days ago, I was having lunch at one of the tables in our office canteen. A colleague who was sitting in the other table asked me for the salt box (We usually have a pepper box and a salt box at each of the tables in our canteen, and the salt box was not there in my colleague's table.) I took the salt box from my table and gave it to him. He refused to get it in his hand; instead he asked to place it in the table. He said that it's a custom or rather a belief, not to handover salt to some one as it will lead to a fight!.

I just placed the salt in his table and was thinking about the reasoning behind the superstition. Though it's the first time I was hearing such a superstition, I was just wondering about what would be the reasoning behind it, and here's what I have guessed about.

It's a well known fact that a high Sodium or salt intake would increase the blood pressure and if you suffer from high blood pressure, you are bound to get irritated at the drop of a hat and that might end up in fight!.

Adding to the fact that this colleague was from Andhra Pradesh, where the food usually is very spicy and salty, when compared with the cusines from rest of India, adding more salt, would increase the Blood pressure and therefore would increase the probabilty of picking up a fight!

So, that should be the reasoning; but people circumvent in their own ways, as my colleague asked me to place it in the table instead of giving it in his hand.

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