Sunday, January 22, 2006

My beliefs on Evolution

As promised in my previous post, here are my beliefs or thoughts on evolution. Here's the one liner.

"Everything in this universe will evolve".

I mean to say that it doesn't matter whether something is alive or not. Anything and everything in the Universe (including the world we live in) will evolve or change, in due course of time. Here time could be anything between a millisecond to a billions of years.

But that said, I also believe that changes or evolution to all of the things in the universe is happening (almost) always. The thing is that, we realize them only after a significant period has passed or rather I should say, we realize them only after we attain the capability of realizing them.

The question, whether, things change for the better or for the worse may arise. I believe that most of us are not in a position to differentitate between the good and the bad. Ultimately, I like to say that, (quoting some philosphical thoughts) everything will change for the better.

The above statements are my beliefs. I don't think it will be hard to prove, but I don't have the patience or interest to prove it scientifically. Though I am a scientist (by designation), my areas of work are on Information Technology. So, I would like to say that these thoughts are on a philosophical note.

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