Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Year 2017 for me

2017 turned out to be an interesting year (while looking back), with its share of surprises and unexpected things. The downs that I faced this year, got etched badly in my mind, and I was totally at loss, as I could not comprehend them with rational thinking.

On hindsight, I guess, this made my belief stronger that there are forces beyond us, and they work only for our own good - in a very very long term! - and these perceived bad things are a sort of 'balancing' act by them.

So let me get into it.

  • Enjoying the luxury of high-bandwidth Internet in Mobiles through SIM (Cellular connections), Thanks to Jio for 4G LTE 
  • Seeing the domain of Crypto applications getting expanded wildly (yes wildly), thanks to applications of Blockchain
  • Happy to Conduct Brainstorming Discussions on topics related to Internet
  • Joined Professional Societies as a member (IEEE, and ACM)
  • Remote Presentation at IEEE ATC Conference
  • Wondered (Did some ground work too, may end up as a publication) - how you can prove your financial reputation to some one for obtaining credit. 
  • Opportunity to work (research) on DNS 
  • Organized an IEEE Conference successfully (understood how much time and efforts are required despite having a team, and funds were not an issue)
  • Learnt the value of Backup in a softway (yes soft and not hard :) ) - as I lost data when a pendrive suddenly stopped working, and thankfully I had a backup. 
  • Got interested on privacy preserving payments and was exploring them. 
  • Promotions - finally happened (after a long wait) in the institution that I am working for. It was almost a miracle on two counts, one it happened after a long hiatus, and then it was ante-dated; and an interesting thing is that it left many unhappy. Unfortunately I too was bitten by it, and the ramblings are there in the beginning of this post.  In this process, also figured out how my seniors rated me in my earlier years (last decade). 
  • As usual, taught OOP using Java, Crypto programming, WWW Architecture etc... and gave lectures on Digital Signatures, PKI, Blockchain,  etc... at various prestigious forums. 
  • Personal: Watching my kids growing up, Failing health of Mother 
  • Places Visited: Guwahati, Delhi, Madurai, Hyderabad, Vijayawada , Bharachukki, Gaganchukki Falls,  Patna