Sunday, December 27, 2015

Chennai Floods and Probable Techno Solutions

Chennai Floods and the damages it had caused to life and lifeless things are enormous. Hope the people rebuilt it with zeal to make it a better place, withstanding any natural and man-made disasters in the future.

This post tries to dream or fantasize, how much could be done to minimize the pain and suffering of the people who were badly affected, by using the upcoming and future technologies.

1. Electrical Power 
The most fundamental element - as lots and lots of our equipment and devices, food and even water are dependent on electricity. So, we badly need a way to generate it with little manual power in case of emergency situations. A recent innovation unveiled by Manoj Bhargava that uses pedaling power to produce electricity is a good place to start with. A detailed article can be found here. Probably a leaner, efficient and compact machine for individual homes, if becomes available in future will be grabbed by many! 

2. Water 
People need clean and pure drinking water.In today's environment, the water is pumped up to the overhead tanks through electrically powered motors. So, electricity is required, and of course regular water supply is also required. With these two constraints in getting the drinking water, it's going to be tougher in these situations. Even if we manage to get, purification will be another problem, unless people use the traditional LPG stove and boil the water for 20+ minutes. Low-energy water purification systems that may come into play in future can be found here

3. Communication and Home Delivery 
With energy being available, communication would eventually be available. Proposals to use balloons, and drones by Google and Facebook respectively aim to use the Stratosphere for providing Internet Connectivity. Whether they will be able to come out of red-tape and be able to offer these services remains, but probably will be allowed to function under emergency situations.  Also, Amazon's idea of using drones for delivery of items such as medicines will come in handy in these kind of natural calamity. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Madurai Discussion on Neeya Naana and my thoughts

A month ago, there was a debate about Madurai in the popular Neeya Naana program in Star Vijay Television Channel.  Though it was a general debate without any sides to it, I, being from Madurai (I was born there, and lived there for 8+ years) have my share of views. Here they are: 
  1. The basic amenities like water and electricity should be available to all in their convenience of their houses and should be reliable - Well, I know that it does not happen in most parts of our country - but that does not mean, it should not happen here too.
  2. Madurai is a place of historical importance, and for more details check out my other blog post. So, when we say that, we need to benchmark against cities like London, Melbourne etc.. and see what is lacking. What all these cities have in common is a river flowing through them, and Madurai has the Vaigai river flowing through it, but when you see it, you get a sense of despair. What needs to be done is to clean it up, and do whatever it takes to keep the water flowing through and if possible establish waterways - which will not only attract tourists but also provide income generation for the people there. 
  3. Vehicle movement has been stopped around Madurai Meenakshi Temple, for few years now. How about having battery operated vehicles that can ply pilgrims and citizens for a nominal fee (or even free) around the temple. They are clean, and pollution free. 
  4. Regulating the Autos (they simply charge as per their wish - current rate stands at minimum of Rs.30/- for a km) and improving the public transport, increasing the public toilet amenities, and of course maintaining the cleanliness all will go in a long way to improve not only the look and feel of the city, but will also in improving the economy and prosperity of the City and people living here. 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Is timely arrival to office important ?

What is important ? Reaching office on time or being productive? Of course, if you can achieve both it will be good. Also on the positive side, this inculcates a sense of discipline both to the person and organization.

But is it really required? especially in organizations, where productivity is not measured in terms of quantity, but rather in terms of quality - and wherein timely delivery of results are important - which also demands discipline from the person as well as the organization.

Now coming to the arguments against timely arrival goes like this:
  • Can you achieve timely arrival day-in and day-out in a congested, polluted, unreliable public transport system and in a highly unpredictable traffic conditions? 
  • Can you assure the time it takes to reach point A to point B, through common modes of transport (in any populous city, wherein citizens commute for their work, education etc..) ?
  • If you answered yes for the above, can you assure it atleast 95 out of 100 times ?  If you still answered yes, then skip to the next point
  • Though reaching on time is a very good thing, do you agree that leaving on time, also is a good thing?  If you answered yes, continue, else exit (as it gets into the unfair zone!)
Timing is critical in a factory setup, or in a service setup, or wherever quantity is more important and where work is routine and in situations wherein employees have to be present before the customer arrives! Isn't it ?, but can the same be said for places where planning, designing, programming and such creative elements are required ?


P.S: The above points  and situations are purely imaginary! and any resemblance to a person or an organization in real life is purely a coincidence!!  :)  

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Identity has a profound effect in every human life. It is almost impossible to live without it, and almost all of us crave for it. By identity, I not only mean creating an individual identity, but creating or shaping a collective identity.

In this part of the world, there was a period in time, when a person is said to have spiritually progressed, only if he had lost the sense of individual Identity and realizes himself or herself as part of the identity of God. 'Bhagavad Gita' tells the same. Precisely this means losing the identity of  " I ", and being identity-less.

However, for many of us, it is difficult to come out of an identity that has either been created by us consciously or unconsciously or by others on behalf of us. We enjoy the feeling of identity, and the comfort of it, and we are afraid to give it up, even in case of failure. We may give up an identity, only to subscribe to another identity, but never want to be without an identity. But we also need to remember that identity comes with a cost, though not necessarily economical. History tells us that almost every leader aspired to put their identity alive in one form or other, even after they passed away from this earth. 

People (in general) who did not create an individual identity by themselves subscribe to a collective identity, and start believing the collective identity as their own individual identity. Sometimes, they get trapped into the web of this transient collective identity, that they get pushed themselves to the extremes to defend their (collective) identity by taking it up against other's identity. In these individuals, the feeling of "I" gets merged totally with "We", and always looked from the perspective of against "others". Religions and Nationalism all fall in the category of collective identity! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

A must-see Historical place in Shimla

Last year, when I was in Shimla: It was raining and foggy around 4 PM, as I hurried up to the prestigious institute, well renowned for its historical importance & architectural splendor. I was told that the institute was a place that I should not miss, and truly it was! 

Indian institute of Advanced Study - IIAS - an institute for postdoctoral studies in areas of arts & humanities - is housed in this prestigious building that resembles a palace. The building originally built in 1888, was meant to be a summer palace for the Viceroys of India. After independence, it became the summer rest house for Indian president, but Dr. S Radhakrishnan the then President of India, decided to convert it into an academic institution for higher studies. Now residential post-doctoral courses are run here. 

Few of the notable things, that captured my interests were: 
  • Clock - Old manual winding clock that still runs today and shows the Full Moon and New Moon
  • Roof - Made of Walnut wood  
  • Switches - German make and still functioning!
  • Piano - keys made out of elephant tusk
  • Electrification - First electrified building in Shimla in 1888 and that too with concealed wiring!
  • Chandelier - Belgian make 
  • Table - Pandit Nehru and Mountbatten signed an agreement for partitioning of India and the table was partitioned to signify it 
  • Doors - Burma teak unpolished & unpainted
  • Library - Originally a Ballroom 
  • Simla Conference - Hindu Muslim conference organized in 1945
  • Fire Sensors - Wax on water pipes that will melt automatically on heat
  • Entrance - Wood paneled like the best Scottish houses, with fireplace for the winter months

    IIAS - As I saw it - that day, that time

    Tuesday, March 31, 2015

    Smart Medians or Dividers for a Smart City?

    Medians or Dividers on the road serve as an excellent tool for enforcing lane discipline and probably as a good regulator for managing the traffic. However at times, it may be a cause for an increase in traffic jams, especially on one side of the median. 

    I had earlier proposed the idea of Shiftable medians (in 2011) - a sort of Dynamic Medians on the road instead of the fixed ones. The advantages are given below:
    • During Peak hours, traffic is generally expected to flow in one direction. At such times, when the roads are narrow, the median will be a bigger hindrance, and in such instances, if more lanes (say 3) are allowed for the peak traffic to flow instead of existing (say 2) lanes, it will ease the flow of traffic
    • For emergency vehicles, such as Ambulance, a separate lane can be facilitated, if the median can be shifted to one corner of the road 
    • A median can be removed during holidays or off-hours to simply allow crowds or gatherings to pass through - on a positive note think of a Marathon or Walkathon 
    • A median can be made leaner or fatter based on the need, though such a use case scenario would then be exploited for advertisement hoardings
    Given that Smart City initiatives are under progress in several countries including India, it makes sense to have Shift-able medians or smart medians as it has the advantages outlined above. 

    Taking it a step further, the smart medians of course would require management, which could be initially done by humans, but later managed through intelligent systems that takes several inputs including the traffic conditions, timing, traffic flow at traffic signals etc... 

    Update: September 2015: Found Shiftable median concept being already used in SanFanscico Golden Gate, in January 2015, called as Moveable Median, as given below, wherein a Zipper truck is being used for shifting the median. 

    Saturday, January 31, 2015

    The Year 2014 - for me

    As usual, this year too, I am starting with my thoughts on the previous year, especially at my personal front.

    General Observations - Positive & Neutral
    • Realized that our workplace is slowly adopting paper-less practices and an important step of HR records moving online
    • Got a first-hand experience in using various crypto-tokens
    • Managed to organize 2 big technical events - One on DNS Security; and another on Digital Signatures and PKI
    • Realized that to reach people and propagate your message, you should use all mediums. So, Started relying heavily on Social Media (Facebook and Twitter) for promotion of our concepts and efforts
    • Finally visited US and UK this year, and had already shared my experiences in this post
    • Smartphone era finally heralded in our homes, (and relatives) this year
    • Wondered what will happen if Google decides to close Blogger one day ?? So, decided to have my blog posts replicated in wordpress too
    • Guided around 10+ Interns this year (though some of them were been my interns since last year) Also met several students who visit our campus each year as a ritual 
    • Places Visited: Mumbai, Kollam, Shimla, Noida, Los Angeles, London, and New Delhi
    General Observations - Disappointments
    • Much expected elevation in my career did not happen this year too, despite list of significant achievements to showoff had been increasing!
    • Realized the pathetic situation of M.Tech studies in many not-so-popular institutes! One institution withdrew its intern student saying that the problem assigned was too difficult! Another institution's students got the work published in 'paid' conferences due to their academic pressures! However have to admit that, met a few bright students also.
    • Did my best as last ditch efforts to increase the use of the system that I had been building for last few years (4 years). Spent significant efforts in the first half year working on it, tried using AI techniques, changing the UI, increasing interaction mechanisms, and had to also have to overcome difficulties in hosting and integrating with social media and also shifting the connectivity.  But despite all these, more barriers were raised, and it dawned that the current approach is no longer going to be feasible
    • Quite frustrated with one of our client, who were adamant on a round-about technique for doing an activity, and even that too did not materialize due to several procedural and technical issues. - An absolute time & effort waster! 
    • Figured out how a famous  company's (It had a great name of an important celestial object, with out which life is not possible) software product that was offered at very fair prices, when taken over by another, were offered at exorbitantly high prices using a different model, with just a logo change!, while the code and features remained the same! 
    • Realized the pains of organizing a event (had a first-hand experience of it), where many people who you know participate and had to be extremely careful such that their egos are not hurt