Friday, April 05, 2013

The Year 2012 - for me

It's becoming difficult to blog these days! With Work pressure,  Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter), Professional Networking (LinkedIn) eating up your time,  its difficult to blog unless you have a compelling reason to write.  Let me stop here, otherwise this subject matter would be a blog post by itself. 

So, I start this year, as usual by reflecting about myself in the past year - 2012.  It had it own share of satisfactions and disappointments

  • The Academic Networking Portal that we were building picked up a good number of users without any promotions and despite our deliberate underplayed stance. We started the year with less than 100 users and by the end of the year, we had more than 1700+ registered users. 
  • Faced lot of heat and pressure (and sleepless nights) on the project related to a DR setup. As this was the first of the kind project being executed by me, and the first of its kind to the entire organization, it was really challenging as there were too lengthy processes and execution of it took its own sweet time.   Spent my full time only on this effort in the last few months of the year, pushing myself hard and taking the extra long steps to see things are getting done. 
  • Attended a conference on Disaster Management and was impressed by the speakers from all over the world. Had a paper presentation in the same conference and got the 'Best Paper Award' but felt bad as the organizers never handed over the promised cash prize!
  • Disappointed by the way private schools collect money and wondered what great ideals could be imparted to the children by them!
  • Got selected for a Training Program (One among the only 2 participants from India) on Information Security Management System - ISO 27000 organized by Asian Productivity Organization and conducted by Korea Productivity Centre at Seoul, Republic of Korea.  Had a very nice, interesting and useful experience. 
  • Got Selected for the Internet Society's Next Generation Leadership Program - an E-Learning Course on History and Future of Internet and Governance. Very happy and cherished the learning's and experience I gained through this. Successfully completed the course. 
  • Got involved in a project proposal that was very innovative, and will change the digital landscape of   e-governance services - a project related to authentication. However due to prolonging delays and certain other issues, I exited out of it. 
  • An Organizational change happened, at an unexpected time, and in a very rapid way, which no one expected it to happen in such  a way. It created lots of doubts, fears etc... though such a change was logical and was bound to happen one day. It shook us. 
  • Received my PhD Degree in Convocation
  • Internship Guidance: Guided a good number of students/interns. Learnt a lesson that not all students come with open minds and interests in doing Internship - some of them have their own self-interests and will waste your time and energy - So lesson is to be careful and choose only the right students. 
  • Some Moments: Wireless Internet Connection,  Conduction of Internal ISO Audit; 
  • Travel: Nagercoil, Tirupathi,  Andaman, Seoul and  Hong Kong. So travel in 2012 was exciting!

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