Saturday, April 07, 2012

2011 - The year that was for me!

I had been pushing myself to write this post, as it had become a kind of 'ritual' for me to start an year's blogging with reflections of my past year. Also, I should admit that, after I started 'tweeting', it has become extremely difficult to Blog!  So here, I go...

  • My Current project had been driving me - as, I got more passionate about it, as days passed by in 2011, and I believe it will surely be of help to students and the academic community
  • My successful completion of PhD in Computer Science - The long awaited final defense examination (viva-voce) happened on a day that's simply unforgetful! - on 11/11/2011, and ofcourse, had a sigh of relief! after the declaration of PhD award
  • Attended WWW2011 Conference for the first time, and was very happy to listen to few great people, including Tim Berners-Lee and even managed to have a small discussion with him on Semantic Web, and ofcourse a photograph with him.  
  • A lot of learning happened in a very different project, relating to setup of a DR. Though had to encounter and learn too many things that are far from my profession, I was happily taking on the challenges!, and did not have much regrets even when the bosses fired us on our slow pace of work!
  • Continued to lead the ISO activities in the office; and managed to organize a Project Management Training for the staff members.
  • Managed to coordinate and organize two National-level Symposiums on PKI and Digital Signatures along with my friend and colleague Mr. Misbahuddin.  Though I was only a team member here, I was happy that this effort came to a good end. 
  • Started Tweeting! and found to be really interesting and useful (This is ironic, because when twitter started, and when I saw the way people were using it initially, I thought it may not be of much use for me!) - This gave me a lesson - Any tool can be used effectively, and it all depends on the user and their context!
  • Travel: Hamirpur in Himachal Pradesh (and also visited Dalai Lama's residence), Indore, Kashmir (Beautiful Valley; Visited Srinagar, Gulmarg and Pahalgam), Kanyakumari & ; Nagercoil in Tamil Nadu; and my usual trips to Delhi. A very interesting thing happened was I had to travel from Kanyakumari to Kashmir within a span of a day or two.   

Overall, many things were falling in place, and really got a sense of accomplishment, despite some odd firings from few bosses! 

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