Saturday, February 12, 2011

I forgot the art of Handwriting!

It was mid (19)80's, when I was in school, and had to do a lot of homework each and every day, assigned by teachers of various subjects, who taught on that day. There were two standard homeworks that had to be done each day for the subject of English - One, a vocabulary work - where we have to write about 5 'not-so-common' words from the dictionary, and Two, a handwriting work - where we need to write one page passage as legibly and neatly as possible.

Now, it appears to me all those efforts were waste, because these days, I rarely get an opportunity to write anything on my own handwriting, except for signature. Writing on paper with pen, has changed to typing on your favorite word processor, and if required, printing it out later.

Many would be complaining about the loss of 'personal touch', in computer-typed & printed documents. For those such people, here comes a technique that would help you regain that personal touch, despite it being computer-typed & printed. Check this link for more details.

Now, for those of you who had been signing paper after paper, each day, and cribbing about the 'manual' process, stop worrying as the technology of 'digital signatures', (not same as scanning and printing of your hand-written signature) has arrived long back, and the 'legality' of such 'digital signatures' had been enacted as a law, in India, almost 11 years ago!!! (in the year 2000).

For those of you who have already been using digital signatures, and complaining about its use only once or few times in a year - like at the time of filing your IT returns, do not worry much, as more and more applications would become available in the coming years, and 10 years later, from now, you will rarely find an opportunity, to sign using your hand and might probably be using it over greeting cards or gift packs only.

So, for the future generations, there may be hardly any need to learn the art of writing by hand, unless otherwise they are planning to become artists!

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