Friday, October 30, 2009

Emotions and Communications - Part II

This is in continuation of Emotions and Intelligence - Part I. But in this, I would like to focus on the relation of emotions with the important component of our lives - Communication.

The main intent behind a communication is not only to pass on a message, but also to pass on emotions. I believe this applies not only to the human beings, but to all the species in this world. One can pass on almost any sort of emotion to the listener or the other party through a communication. According to me, the coupling of the emotion with communication is effectively utilized by many great political leaders.

Typically, many politicians or political leaders use this initially to stir up one's emotions, in their communication. Basically, they do this, by whipping up one's passions - a kind of emotion (more about this later) and most of the time it would be aimed to make your mind feel heavy - meaning - negative emotions, so that they can gear you up to obtain an objective (which may be of their interest!).

One should not assume that communication happens only through speech. There are a variety of ways through which humans can communicate - movies, books, and other subtle means such as painting, sculptures, gestures and so on. In fact, I believe that the number of ways in which a human being can communicate with his fellow beings is what that differentiates him from other species on this earth.

Most of us like stories and would like to watch movies or read books. What makes us interested in them is their ability to put us through various emotions, easily and effortlessly, though the other things such as the lessons from the story are just a take away. And, of course there is a lot of variety in movies and books - to cater to the various emotional needs of an individual, such as humour, horror, drama etc...

However there is a difference in hearing stories and watching movies, as in the former, our mind has to do the visualizations and hence needs to be creative, at the same time possess the knowledge for doing so, thereby imposing some cognitive load and simulating our thought processes (A bad thing for effective emotional communication!), while in the latter case of watching movies, the visualization with the emotions are spoon-fed to us and we directly immerse in those emotions. Hence, movies are more powerful, in the sense, that they can ignite even a lazy mind, and/or a mind that might not possess the required knowledge to create the visualization on its own!.

People often speak of gender, when it comes to emotions and communications. The difference I feel that lies in the emotions between a man and woman, is that women may get entangled in emotions and act and react with those emotions in many number of instances than men - I feel the count is what makes the difference. However, this may not be applicable to every man and woman on this earth!.

Update: Emotions and Passion - Part III