Friday, September 25, 2009

Emotions and Intelligence - Part I

I believe that Intelligence is a skill that can be acquired through consistent practice. I also feel that the major factor that would differentiate a machine and a man is 'Emotions' and not Intelligence, in the future. Emotions are the only answer to questions why people behave in a certain way, while the logic dictate something drastically different. Emotions are more complex and are difficult to simulate or built-in.

I knew that people have been working for long to build Emotion into robots and other Intelligent systems to make it more humane!. But, I am afraid as it could not be that easy!. When we look around the nature, we can see that animals have emotions!. However, animals may have lesser emotions than humans!. I also feel that even trees will have emotions, but they are either not able to express them to us, or we do not possess the capability to understand their emotions!. I have also heard of the view that emotions are considered as an outcome of intelligence.

Looking at evolution, we can see that the living beings have evolved with more and more emotions, in this earth, (if Darwinian theory is believed to be right) and the ability to express those emotions explicitly have also become tremendously increased. So, as we can see, we use different methods, such as talking, writing, typing etc.. to communicate our emotions, and one can understand the other by understanding the emotions, and not by just looking at the actions - a person had performed!.

A lot of animals are intelligent and behave in Intelligent ways, such as ants foraging for their food. However, the emotions that goes through them is extremely difficult for us to decipher. So, more research should go on to understand the emotions of the others, including all living beings of the nature, rather than just deciphering their intelligent behaviors. I feel man has evolved this far, when compared to other animals, because of his more number of emotions and not just merely because of intelligence. We also just cannot predict that we possess all the emotions that exists in this earth.

Emotions are of different types, and one can atleast make two classifications as: Positive Emotions and Negative emotions. Emotions such as goodwill, happiness etc.. can be considered as positive, as it makes our mind feel more lighter and comfortable, while other emotions such as greed, fear, can be considered negative, as it makes our mind more heavier!. I also feel each species in this earth, has different set of emotions, than others.

Meditation can be defined as the art and state of keeping your mind light, without any emotions - either positive or negative.

Oh! ... let me stop these philosophical thoughts for now!.
