Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Punch Dialogue!

This is intended to be a thought in a lighter vein. While, I was watching a movie, the hero was delivering a dialogue, that he will not fear death ...

Giving some thought to it, you can say that a bold person is one who neither fears to live nor fears to die. Elaborating on it, most of us have both the fears - the fear to live and the fear to die. However, it is those people, whose fear to live is more than the fear to die, commit suicide, and of course for the most of the rest of us, it's the other way around - the fear to die exceeds the fear to live.

You might be wondering why should one fear to live ? ... Many reasons can be given, but I think main ones would be the Society, grief or pain, and probably the need for money and making of it, and all these things that one should go through in their life. Of this, the last one - money, an illusonary thing that weaves our world with its maya or magic.

Well, these are hard questions with no easy answers; and to conclude this, a real hero is one who neither fears to live nor fears to die. So, script-writers, dialogue-writers, take this and make it as a PUNCH dialogue ...