Thursday, May 29, 2008

Circles and Spheres - Visualization

Some time ago, in the second-half of 2007, we had a guest from the University of Arkansas at Little rock, Prof. Srini Ramaswamy. After his presentation of Modeling and Simulation, he spent some good time with us (the staff members). The last question that was posed to him, was on his beliefs on God, for which he gave an elaborate answer, and finished with a statement, "After you finish drawing a circle, you don't know from where it was started or where it ended ", which symbolizes our lives.

Taking these cues, I start dwelling on my thoughts ...

Correlating this with statements that usually associate circle with life, like "Life has come a full circle", and "Everything is circular in this world", etc... I now begin to dwell on circles ....

A point is a circle whose radius tends to zero (Mathematical Definition!). A line is a series of points that are interconnected and likewise, we could go on to claim that every living and non-living entity is made of atoms and atoms are spherical in shape (by the orbit patterns of the electons; and though there is no clear proof; we continue to visualize them as spherical structures), and after all the circle is a two dimensional visualization of a sphere!.

Moving with these thoughts to the philosophical region, and correlating with circles and spheres, we could say that we are orbiting around in circles or spheres, but transitioning from one state to another in the process of revolving!!!.

Have I provoked your thought processes? .... More to come later!!!....

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