Sunday, March 16, 2008

The year 2007 - for me

As usual, let me start the year, with the significant events that happened to me in last year.

  • Part of the team that organized the ISED conference (International Conference on ICT Solutions for Socio-economic Development) event and my first role as an editor for the proceedings of ISED Conference.
  • Promotion as a Senior Staff Scientist, at my place of work.
  • Some progress in my PhD - Found out, the skills required to do a PhD! - now have to master them.
  • My friend Neela moving to Denmark for doing his PhD
  • Wrote a couple of proposals, to various funding agencies; - In the process gathered some experience!.
  • Travel trips to Delhi
  • Had good breaks, from work, at home, owing to chickenpox and Madras eye (Conjuctivitis), and utilized them to rejuvenate myself with new ways of thinking, and looking at things!.
  • Overall the year allowed me to reflect back, from absolutely eventful previous years
  • Opportunity to learn about Financial Markets and Investments