Thursday, April 19, 2007

Right and Wrong - View from Rights

A lot of thoughts and info had come to my mind to blog on!. But the constraints of time, had limited them. So, here, let me start with a thought!, written from a philosophical view point.

Everybody is right in their own right!

In my childhood days, I used to think that 'What is right and What is wrong' are so obvious to everyone, and everybody knows it by default!. But, as I grew up, I slowly realized that, What I perceive as right may not be right from other's point of view. If there is a list of universal right things, then we could have easily said what's right and what's not!. So, it dawned upon me, that these things are highly relative, and would vary from individual to individual.

An individual's list of right and wrong would be influenced by a whole gamut of factors like his/her environment, circumstances, society, thought patterns etc... As you can see these factors are so generalized and it actually means, the culture you have been brought up, your friends and peers, your family, the society in which you live, the religion you follow, and the government and it's policies etc... all influence the individual in evolving his/her list of right and wrong!.

So, the groups, societies and the nations across the world, try to define directly and indirectly what's right and wrong, for their people/flock, though they like to impose their list of right and wrong for the entire world.

However, as you can see, there are people within the groups, sections, societies and nations that fall out and have their own list of right and wrongs. Practically speaking, most of them, would be differing from their group's list, atleast by a smaller degree. It is then they are qualified by adjectives, (ex: radical/rational/) depending on what extent their change affects others! and how it affects them (positively or negatively! - again this is an another debate!)

To conclude, everybody would have drawn up their own list of right and wrongs, (influenced by the above mentioned factors) and therefore becomes a kind one's own right!. Such lists could change over time, and could be empty too or could be completely synchronous with their society or group at times!. The concept of freedom (from an individual's perception) can then be defined as how much he/she is free to deviate from their group's list / define their own list